What neighborhood do you live in?
Describe it.
Best restaurant Atlanta?
Best dish at that restaurant?
special dish of the day
Best place to get a burger?
Farm burger
Where do you go when you want to think?
walk by the river
What was your first job?
delivering newspapers
Favorite band when you were 16?
bob dylan
Favorite local venue?
elliott street pub
Best day off in Atlanta?
Walking through the city
Three favorite cities to visit outside of Atlanta?
san francisco / detroit / nashville
Three most recent songs you listened to?
Winding Wheel (Ryan Adams) / James Alley Blues (Rabbit Brown) / Without You (Harry Nilsson)
Name of your Biography?
How do you take your coffee?
little bit of milk
Most annoying thing on social media lately?
donald trump
Dogs or Cats?
Favorite thing to do in the rain.
get out of it
Last time you pulled an all nighter?
Favorite local band?
Amos spinning at corner tavern
First show you saw at Atlanta venue?
Coraline Aiken / Undergroung Atlanta in 1978
Worst road to be on at 5p?
ugh - any of them